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Compassionate Combat

Welcome to! My hope for this space is that it becomes a dynamic Thank You card for the nurses that have been giving of themselves during this Pandemic.  There will be a place for nurses to tell their stories, for patients and family members to tell their stories. A place to donate to nurses organizations to help pull them through this incredibly exhausting time.

The American Nurses Foundation’s Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses enables the public to support and thank nurses. The national fund is addressing the current and emerging needs of nurses and has focused on:

  • Providing direct assistance to nurses

  • Supporting the mental health of nurses – today and in the future

  • Ensuring nurses everywhere have access to the latest science-based information to protect themselves, prevent infection, and care for those in need

  • Driving the national advocacy focused on nurses and patients


To share your thanks and support for nurses on the frontlines you can make a donation to the Fund on this page.

Donate to the American Nurses Foundation Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses here.

To donate by check, send to:

American Nurses Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 504342
St. Louis, MO 63150-4342

ANF Logo PNG.png
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Susan Gibson
Copyright April 2020, Susing Gibsongs, BMI, BMG

You’re used to giving
Did you hear a call or were you driven
To service your whole life
Do ya put yourself in danger
Do ya risk it all to help a stranger
Well the nurses don’t think twice

& We ask so much of you
Leave your families and your homes
for the work you gotta do
You are the miracle, the gift
pulling 18 hour shifts
of Compassionate combat
How do you thank someone for that?

You get to your task
An angel in a homemade mask
you tape your picture on your gown
Machines for ventilation
Humans beings need more than just medication
There’s no sign of slowing down

& we ask too much of you
You are a marvelous machine
you got your bedside manners too
You are the miracle, the gift

pulling 20 hour shifts
of compassionate combat
How do you thank someone for that?

Out there on the front lines,
can you feel that we’re behind you
We’ll take every opportunity we can just
to remind you.
We see you, and we love you
And we need you So Thank you

We're gonna ask too much of you
hold our hand as we let go or
hang on and pull us through
You are the miracle, the gift
In every single shift
of compassionate combat
You can thank a nurse for that

If you have a story that you'd like to share please email
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